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Operation Celebrity Hope

If you are a celebrity and you follow us or support our mission we invite you to join this special program/partnership for celebrities. As you know our youth generation is our future and if we don’t prepare them for what is to come in the future then we are holding ourselves back from what lies ahead for our progress and mind, body, & spiritual growth. So my pageant system is all about promoting self-esteem and confidence and motivating youth to excellence. If this is something you want to be a part of then I know your famous voice can make a huge difference in the life of a teen or young adult.  I know the youth will be super fascinated and excited that you care so much for their well-being! I can't wait to see what you can do to ride the wave of change with me, my youth and all of our connections! Questions?? Contact me via email!

Your partnership will bring many youth and young adults through our doors that need our services in order to move forward in their lives in a more positive way!


Opportunity to connect with youth and young adults and build a rapport to open more doors globally and assist us with our mission to motivate youth to excellence.

Free Stuff

Free tickets to any of our events of your choice or any of our pageant productions.


You will be added to all of our program guides as a partner or sponsor as well as showcased on all of our social media including mentions.


Opportunity to speak with our contestants personally and provide more exposure to contribute to their overall life goals.

Exclusive Invites

Exclusive invite to sit on the advisory board with youth and help make decisions with your creative ideas and provide input for our operational goals.

Social Media

You will be added to our special Operation Celebrity Hope Pinterest board and you can record your own motivational video to share with our youth clients and viewers. Provide an open door for youth and young adults to have more exposure on social media and in the world to contribute to their goal-oriented activities in their community.

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Michelle Obama

Check out this slideshow of celebrities encouraging youth with mental illness to seek help and to practice self-care for overall wellness in life! This slideshow is for encouragement only. *These celebrities are not Operation Celebrity Hope partners.

This Week's Encouragement for Celebrities:


We are chatting about Addictions this month and I know some of you have fallen victim to foreign substances to escape. Your lifestyle is a super high stressor. You have an image to uphold, fans to answer to, scripts to read, trips to take, sleep to lose, and you have to hide from media frenzy so I know your life may make you run to something to feel free and that freedom comes with a price. Your encouragement to youth with addictions this month can make a huge difference. Check out this website: and give hope by donating or give hope by just creating a YouTube or TikTok video encouraging youth to find a safer and more healthier way to escape their stressors. You remember, you were there once! Thank you kindly!

Message From The CEO...

Cicely Majeed, CEO/Pageant Coach/National Director

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It is an honor to have any celebrity grace the pages of our special website and provide your input, your support, your dedication and your creativity to assist us on our quest to motivate youth to excellence. You are perceived as a role model for the youth and therefore, any cause you support will help them be eager to do the same thing. Your footsteps and footprint on this planet are very important. From the bottom of my heart....Thank you kindly!

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Scan this QR code to be taken directly to our sign up form to become an official Operation Celebrity Hope Honoree and Ambassador!




Be a regular giver with monetary donations, clothing donations, sash and crown and pageant expense donations, etc. Go Here




Attend one of our events to support and encourage youth competition, or just show up and surprise teens and watch their faces light up with smiles. Go Here




Post a PSA (public service announcement) on your YouTube channel or TikTok account with a message to encourage youth. You Know Where To videos to




Visit one of the schools in a school district we are partnered with. Contact CEO for more info @ 1-877-982-6410




Become a franchisee or support our franchise program – Celebrities brand their own perfume, clothes, make-up, why not pageants and youth services!

Go Here




Become a sponsor for one of our pageant events or one of the events that youth are a part of. Go Here




Partner with me through RRBP (Rainbow Red Bridge Partnership) and be a regular voice and presence for our youth clients. Go Here




Work with me and law enforcement and community leaders to put on an entertainment event and make an appearance to chat with youth (photo ops, sign autographs, tell your up and coming story, etc.). Contact CEO to schedule an appearance for an upcoming community event!

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